You're english better then mine?
Have a look here, whether you're learning English or whether your native language is English. No actually, it's compulsory to have a look if your native tongue is the one I'm still brushing up on. They are the 10 most annoying spelling mistakes to encounter (though not necessarily obstructing comprehension).
Most look so obvious but are probably just due to phonetic similarity. Oh, the joys of the English language! Is there ANY other language out there that is less logical with spelling?
The cartoon here is made by a dutch guy. It just struck me because I doubted straight away about the spelling - yet couldn't confirm. Now we know once and for all: this is wrong.

(see this website for more of his cartoons related to climbing, without spelling mistakes :)
Most look so obvious but are probably just due to phonetic similarity. Oh, the joys of the English language! Is there ANY other language out there that is less logical with spelling?
The cartoon here is made by a dutch guy. It just struck me because I doubted straight away about the spelling - yet couldn't confirm. Now we know once and for all: this is wrong.

(see this website for more of his cartoons related to climbing, without spelling mistakes :)
Oh, "loose" for "lose" really rankles me. (There's a new word for you...) I think a lot of these mistakes are made by people who don't *read* English very often. (And they are all made by native speakers.)
Your mistake, though, is assuming that any language is logical. It's a trade-off: would you prefer if you had to learn a whole set of genders instead? Personally, I wouldn't trade silly English spelling for the illogical and arbitrary gender usage that so many other European languages require. Just yesterday I saw "le fromage' and thought, "Shouldn't that be 'la fromage'"? :) Mais non!
Or you could try Czech with its 7 "cases"... English spelling may not be very practical, but the grammar sure is a lot more forgiving.
You're absolutely right Luke - I realise that everytime I correct my dutch student or Jon on their articles, I feel like I should apologise!
I guess in that comparison, I might prefer the English confusions. There are a lot less of them than there are articles. You say trade-off - but probably there are some languages out there with genders, cases, phonetic irregularity, you name it.
By the way, the French also have a favourite msitake that i really get annoyed by: je suis aller au supermarché.
"Rankles" is indeed a new word for me. For the other dutchies out there: this means "annoy" or "irritate" acording to my dictionary-widget :)
I must say that most mistakes in that top 10 are too obvious.. However, I do always mess up with "lay" and "lie" ;-). I've never seen anyone spell loser with two oo's though.. I guess my mistakes are more along the line of the different "tenses" in English.. But I notice that talking a lot with non-native English speakers does not exactly improve your English.. (and I'm often too lazy ;-))
Yes, that's the problem. They're so obvious, and yet so many English speakers make those mistakes. I see them regularly!
I've found the most impossible language! though ehm... actually nobody know how impossible it is - because no-one has ever deciphered it. It's the Voynich Manuscript. Ever heard of it? More than 500 years old and no-ne has a clue.
Hip! Wel veel dezelfde tekens..
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