... and the only creatures on the canals were ducks

I have been trying to make clear to other people how we Dutchies like our speed-skating. This 'liking' becomes a rather wild obsession and mass-hysteria at the rare times that the 'elfstedentocht' (11-cities tour: 17,000 skaters through the canals in the northern province Friesland) takes place. Enough to thoroughly impress the writer of this blog.
It has been held 15 times since 1909, but due to climate changes it is now predicted to take place only 4 times in this century. And after that... who knows? Better start practicing your speed-skating skills now if you want to be able to compete in what will perhaps be the very last elfstedentocht?
Cou cou Marije, very nice pictures and storys of your trip to Kiwi land..Very nice to read!!!
Grotjes / Eve
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