Fontainebleau, je t'aime!

what a nice easter weekend we had in Font! (Bleau for the continentals :)
Such an amazing sea of boulders, so varied, as if each on them has been well designed to be climbed in two different ways and descend on the other side. And there is some much to do, even for newbies like us! hurray!
(The Peak District here generally makes us feel like losers)
We camped for four nights at a lovely campsite full of Dutch climbers and French families, together with Jamie and Clare. The weather treated us very well, though a bit chilly at night...
pictures here!
The photo link doesn't seem to work. :(
how strange...
here is Jon's Picasa web album - see if that works. The folder is called 'Font 2007'
Nice pictures of a nice place!
We're leaving for Font again next weekend for 'hemalvaart'. Will we be seeing you guys there too?
gggrrrr... ik ben jaloers! helaas zit er voor ons niet zo vaak zo'n tripje in. Tis toch behoorlijk een afstandje , stukkie langer dan vanaf Maastricht denk ik: 3/4 uur naar de boot, boot= 2 uur, dan nog zo'n 3 a 4 uur op l'autoroute...
ben benieuwd... twee of drie keer zo lang als jou ritje vanaf M'tricht?
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