funny tree

How often do you actually cross these kind of trees without noticing?
It looks like this is one single tree, that splitted pretty quickly into two. But then, one of its branches decided to join the other again. Without any human intervention, no wires, no help.
We saw this one during a hike at the eastcoast of England, Suffolk.
do you know what i instantly thought when i saw the tree????
... !!
Oh! how cute John is hugging Marije!!
It is the love tree!!!!!
yeah - pretty good make-up eh!
hehe i am sure Jon will take it as a compliment
Hee Marije,
je bent weer bijna int land he? Heb je er al zin in? Wie weet loop ik je nog wel tegen t lijf in Utrecht of weet maar nooit! In ieder geval succes met de laatste loodjes van het jaar op je werk!!
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