Aaah finally back in a country where they serve you the right kind of coffee. They've got espresso machines everywhere, and will never serve you filter coffee, let alone instant. Whether it's in a climbing wall or café, beans are freshly ground on the spot and then you hear the satisfying espresso machine rattling. lovely.
The more surprised I was then, to find 3/4 of the part of the supermarket devoted to coffee, to be instant. On the picture below you see the last tiny bit of the isle where the 'normal' coffee is sold. So does this mean that the Ozzies want to serve proper coffee to clients but don't care too much themselves at home? Perhaps most Ozzies that care a lot about coffee just don't buy it in the supermarket and those who don't, get instant. And very few people drink filter coffee. (See these are the things that keep me busy now, when I'm not thinking about my thesis ;)

Alright, on more typical Ozzie thing. The commercials are pretty bad. Well, maybe not bad in the sense of being extremely simple (and therefore reaching a larger audience perhaps) and straightforward, but they are really not a pleasure to watch. I tried to watch a bit of telly the other night, but got hugely annoyed by the overflow of uninteresting commercials. But then, the simplicity makes some of them pretty funny. I think the guy on the ad below is particularly ehm... straightforward.