zaterdag, november 03, 2007

dress shopping (and a lot more) in Madrid

Few weeks ago I joined Bean and her parents Colin and Morag to Madrid for four days (!). Target: a unique wedding dress. Unfortunately, previous successful shopping experiences gave a false sense of ideal wedding-dress-shopping-city: the more shops we entered, the faster we came running out of them. Lots of nice clothing though, according to my wallet :).

Fortunately, Madrid doesn't leave you bored and sad - it's a gorgeous city with so much to see (and eat and drink!). And if you're done with big cities, there's loads to do in the surroundings.

Colin sorted us out with a great bike trip that included a visit to a gigantic monastery/palace in El Escorial and a lunch on a picturesque patio in a nearby village. *sigh*

Another day we took a train to Toledo, where the old Synagoges were beautifully simple in contrast to the typical over-decorated Catholic churches.

Click on Bean for more pictures!

(tip: click on 'slideshow' for a nicer view)


Anonymous Anoniem said...

Hoe ver kom jij in deze quiz? Als half-britse vast wel verder dan mijn 22 puntjes...

15 november, 2007 12:03  
Blogger Petra said...

Looks like you had a good time over there. Nice photos as well! More dress-shopping to do now?

20 november, 2007 06:22  

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