Nottingham City Transport rant
Dear Sir, Madam,
I am writing to you to complain about the bus service 53 that runs along the Ring Road in Nottingham. This morning was the second time that I walked towards the bus stop (the one just after the Futurist stop) being fifteen minutes early, and the bus drove past me. As a consequence, I had to wait 45 minutes for the next one to arrive. It was the bus that was supposed to arrive around 9.35, and had already left when I arrived at the busstop, which was at 9.22 (I verified my time with a pedestrian passing by). A similar thing happened to me very recently, around the same time of day. It is already not an ideal busline (doesn't run very often and stops at 18:00 in the evening, which makes it impossible to take everyday if you work late), but it is also unreliable. On top of this you have just raised the costs of traveling to £1.40. Very welcome news after having just waited for 45 minutes in wind and rain without bus-shelter!
I am heavily disappointed in this. Since it is the only option on the ring road, many people are dependent on the line, especially the ones that have no other option. I do have another option and intend therefore not to use this bus-line anymore. Combined with the unfriendly service (not giving change, no good options for multiple-travel cards) it is one of the worst bus-services I have encountered so far.
(sent to Nottingham City Transport customer comments, 25-7-2007)
I discover that the other busline, called MedLink, is FREE and leaves a ten min. walk from our house. I am converted!
NCT have replied to my email. They basically say they have spanked the driver, and that they might add some additional journeys from September onwards. They nicely avoid the other comments in the letter. oh well, I've made up my mind anyway.
I am writing to you to complain about the bus service 53 that runs along the Ring Road in Nottingham. This morning was the second time that I walked towards the bus stop (the one just after the Futurist stop) being fifteen minutes early, and the bus drove past me. As a consequence, I had to wait 45 minutes for the next one to arrive. It was the bus that was supposed to arrive around 9.35, and had already left when I arrived at the busstop, which was at 9.22 (I verified my time with a pedestrian passing by). A similar thing happened to me very recently, around the same time of day. It is already not an ideal busline (doesn't run very often and stops at 18:00 in the evening, which makes it impossible to take everyday if you work late), but it is also unreliable. On top of this you have just raised the costs of traveling to £1.40. Very welcome news after having just waited for 45 minutes in wind and rain without bus-shelter!
I am heavily disappointed in this. Since it is the only option on the ring road, many people are dependent on the line, especially the ones that have no other option. I do have another option and intend therefore not to use this bus-line anymore. Combined with the unfriendly service (not giving change, no good options for multiple-travel cards) it is one of the worst bus-services I have encountered so far.
(sent to Nottingham City Transport customer comments, 25-7-2007)
I discover that the other busline, called MedLink, is FREE and leaves a ten min. walk from our house. I am converted!
NCT have replied to my email. They basically say they have spanked the driver, and that they might add some additional journeys from September onwards. They nicely avoid the other comments in the letter. oh well, I've made up my mind anyway.
Ja hier moet ik toch even op reageren als busmedewerker. Een lijndienst die zo weinig rijdt (zelfs meer dan 45 minuten!) is gedoemd te mislukken.Zeker als hij ook nog eens te vroeg door komt. De bekende vicieuze cirkel: geen vertrouwen, dus geen klanten, dus opheffen. Een schipper zou zeggen: uit de vaart halen. Toch mooi dat je het vertrouwen weer hebt terug gevonden in het OV. Tja, als het gratis is....
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