Fietsen in Ierland
We're back!

here's us leaving the wedding party in full regalia
Traveling by train and ferry was more comfortable than expected, though we only just got the connections. Never been so eager to find out where the elevator is on a platform! Another close one was in Dublin: we were given an hour to get from the ferry to the train (Heuston station). We never thought about this one - kind of assumed it would speak for itself. It doesn't. There are at opposite ends of the city, and there are no signs. A friendly stranger told us we had to follow the river, the train station would be at the 9th bridge on the left. Yikes! Right then the first big shower emerged from the clouds, just to add to the challenge. Welcome to Ireland! But we got it, five minutes before it was due to leave.

on the train from Dublin, after the first soaking
It's true what they say about the Irish west coast, by the way. It does rain a lot ... though the locals all said how appalling this summer's weather is. It rained almost everyday, but only for about five or ten minutes. Two days were completely sunny and warm (on Inishmore, great timing!), and two other days were truly bad, especially because the rain was combined with strong winds. Yuk. And hail sucks.

Jon's had enough
Views were very rewarding though, as well as the company of other travelers we met on our way. Ireland's countryside and cliffs are breathtaking, even when it is not very sunny.

Gap of Dunloe, Killarney Nat. Park

Cliffs of Kilkee

sitting at the edge of the cliffs at Dun Aengus, Inishmore
And with approx. 400 miles of cycling on Irish ground we feel quite satisfied frankly :). It's not that much, but more than we had planned and still very very relaxing. And it's true what they say about the Irish too, they are an extremely friendly bunch!
click on the map below for details on the route, and here for all the pictures.

ps. a preview of the wedding party pictures can be found here and here. Please let me know if you have any too!
here's us leaving the wedding party in full regalia
Traveling by train and ferry was more comfortable than expected, though we only just got the connections. Never been so eager to find out where the elevator is on a platform! Another close one was in Dublin: we were given an hour to get from the ferry to the train (Heuston station). We never thought about this one - kind of assumed it would speak for itself. It doesn't. There are at opposite ends of the city, and there are no signs. A friendly stranger told us we had to follow the river, the train station would be at the 9th bridge on the left. Yikes! Right then the first big shower emerged from the clouds, just to add to the challenge. Welcome to Ireland! But we got it, five minutes before it was due to leave.
on the train from Dublin, after the first soaking
It's true what they say about the Irish west coast, by the way. It does rain a lot ... though the locals all said how appalling this summer's weather is. It rained almost everyday, but only for about five or ten minutes. Two days were completely sunny and warm (on Inishmore, great timing!), and two other days were truly bad, especially because the rain was combined with strong winds. Yuk. And hail sucks.
Jon's had enough
Views were very rewarding though, as well as the company of other travelers we met on our way. Ireland's countryside and cliffs are breathtaking, even when it is not very sunny.
Gap of Dunloe, Killarney Nat. Park
Cliffs of Kilkee
sitting at the edge of the cliffs at Dun Aengus, Inishmore
And with approx. 400 miles of cycling on Irish ground we feel quite satisfied frankly :). It's not that much, but more than we had planned and still very very relaxing. And it's true what they say about the Irish too, they are an extremely friendly bunch!
click on the map below for details on the route, and here for all the pictures.

ps. a preview of the wedding party pictures can be found here and here. Please let me know if you have any too!
Wauw it's beautiful!!
En hihihi @ de grasfoto :-)
Mooie foto's...
Was heel benieuwd naar je foto's. En nu ik ze gezien heb kan ik Ierland ook nog toevoegen aan mijn vakantiebestemmingslijstje. Ik heb gewoon meer vakantie nodig :)
Jullie waren echte bikkels. Maar ondanks de regen was het toch genieten. Op naar de volgende fietstocht, maar dan met heeeel veel zon.
De echte Bert
hihi pap & mam - gewoon met vervroegd pensioen gaan!
Leuk dat jullie zo'n mooie reis hebben gehad. Ierland ziet er echt heel mooi uit. Tja de regen moet je dan maar op de koop toenemen, hoewel ik toch wel een beetje medelijden kreeg na die foto van een verzopen Jon in een hoekje ;)
hihi ja hij was het daar echt even zat. ook omdat t een beetje tegen viel op die plek - de grote kliffen van moher - toch een stuk minder interessant dan verwacht (als je al vele andere kliffen hebt gezien) en 1 grote toeristen attractie. En dat in regen en wind...
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