maandag, mei 29, 2006

Marike Jager

Hey cool! I just discovered that an old student colleague of mine Marike Jager has made made it to an official cd and publicity on the country's main music website!

To listen to her cd, go here
or, if that doesn't work:
here and click omlaag or omhoog until you see her cd. Her cd is called "The Beauty Around".

If it's not there... too late!

If you do manage to listen to it, leave a comment here to tell me what you think of it.

zondag, mei 28, 2006

Natte neus


Heerlijk weekendje met ouders achter de rug.
Ze zitten nu nog in het vliegtuig naar huis, en de foto's staan al online, snel hè!

dinsdag, mei 16, 2006

It's a foggy day

Traversing the sheep
Traversing the sheep at Burbage South, Peak District

Once again a hot week was followed by a cloudy and rainy weekend.
Oh well.

We decided to make the most out of it and went outdoors anyway. Surprisingly, we found some dry sides on some of the boulders! Here you can find some photos of our foggy bouldering day, with our climbing buddies (met them in the climbing centre) Jamie, Sean and Alan.