Please mr Mailman, take good care of my thesis!
That's it.
I've just posted and emailed my thesis to the people that are supposed the receive and evaluate it. No more revisions, no more reviewing, in fact, I'd rather not want to look at it anymore now, in case I discover some kind of stupid error somewhere...
People ask me if I feel lighter now. I realise it has the same effect as being asked whether you feel like it is your birthday (dutch: jarig voelen...). You are very conscious that you are supposed to feel relieved or happy, but ... you don't (although I admit I went into the nearest Spar to grab some chips, or better: crisps, as soon as I mailed the thesis to the University at the post office).
Anyway, that chapter is almost closed. Now I will wait for the verdict to see if I may pay a last official visit to the University of Maastricht, to pick up that little piece of paper.
In the meantime, we've introduced my favourite tradition in a research centre: Frizzzbee! Last week an email has been sent around through the school of psych announcing our 'lab activity'. Some of you may be familiar with this. Let me give you a short history to make sure you know what I am talking about. It all started at my stay at the FC DC in Nijmegen, where the coolest PI started a very nice tradition: Ultimate Frisbee, every week. This is a teamsport, comparable to football or rugby. If you'd like to know more, come and visit me here :) . When I moved to Montreal, I made an attempt to introduce it at the MNI as well, which was less succesful although there were always some enthusiastic labmates present. So, as the labmates seemed to like it, including our supervisor, it was just inevitable to launch it here in Notts as well. This afternoon will be the kick-off. I am very curious how many people will turn up, because the weather does not look too encouraging. Quite some people have reacted enthusiastically to the email though, so we'll see. And otherwise we'll just continue with the already existing tradition on Friday afternoons: the pub!
I've just posted and emailed my thesis to the people that are supposed the receive and evaluate it. No more revisions, no more reviewing, in fact, I'd rather not want to look at it anymore now, in case I discover some kind of stupid error somewhere...
People ask me if I feel lighter now. I realise it has the same effect as being asked whether you feel like it is your birthday (dutch: jarig voelen...). You are very conscious that you are supposed to feel relieved or happy, but ... you don't (although I admit I went into the nearest Spar to grab some chips, or better: crisps, as soon as I mailed the thesis to the University at the post office).
Anyway, that chapter is almost closed. Now I will wait for the verdict to see if I may pay a last official visit to the University of Maastricht, to pick up that little piece of paper.
In the meantime, we've introduced my favourite tradition in a research centre: Frizzzbee! Last week an email has been sent around through the school of psych announcing our 'lab activity'. Some of you may be familiar with this. Let me give you a short history to make sure you know what I am talking about. It all started at my stay at the FC DC in Nijmegen, where the coolest PI started a very nice tradition: Ultimate Frisbee, every week. This is a teamsport, comparable to football or rugby. If you'd like to know more, come and visit me here :) . When I moved to Montreal, I made an attempt to introduce it at the MNI as well, which was less succesful although there were always some enthusiastic labmates present. So, as the labmates seemed to like it, including our supervisor, it was just inevitable to launch it here in Notts as well. This afternoon will be the kick-off. I am very curious how many people will turn up, because the weather does not look too encouraging. Quite some people have reacted enthusiastically to the email though, so we'll see. And otherwise we'll just continue with the already existing tradition on Friday afternoons: the pub!
It's time to get the frizzzbeeing started at the FCDC too!! What about a Nijmegen - Notts challenge next year!?
Blijkbaar is frisbee-en nogal populair onder de psychologen.. :) Op het NIH in Washington ook (waar Niko zit, en Marieke ook) Kijk maar op
Ze heeft zelfs haar neus gebroken door de frisbee! Zolang jij maar voorzichtig doet! :P
Op de UM is trouwens het voetballen populair... maar daar zijn de meiden niet bij uitgenodigd.. hihi wel grappig ben eens wezen kijken en het testosteron vliegt door de lucht.. Geef mij maar een frisbee :)
Bram, daar hou ik je aan!!
Line, dankjewel voor die link, leuk om dat te lezen en bekijken. mmm... neus gebroken door de frisbee? oef.. ik zal het rustig aan doen.
en : soccer is for suckers! (yes, dear british readers, this would indeed be translated as: football is for suckers. Though I know writing this doesn't really help me making friends in this country... oops)
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