woensdag, juli 05, 2006

Dutch bum saves boring tennis match

Now, how often do you hear that?

It's a shame the Guardian doesn't show any picture, but the description of the Dutch streakers naked body parts are rather descriptive and flattering. I quote: "And so it was that at 1.49pm, midway through a contest of monochrome predictability involving Maria Sharapova and Elena Dementieva, a suspiciously well-presented young man, bearing a fleeting resemblance to David Beckham, pranced naked on to Centre Court. A subsequent cartwheel gave everyone a good view of what, post-Rooney, we must now call his Ricardo Carvalhos before he was escorted away wrapped in a large red blanket."

Fortunately, the Dutch news website was nice enough to publish a picture for everyone who missed it on tv.

[edit] aah that's a shame, they took the picture away!
[edit] ha! found another (Dutch) website where you can see FOUR pictures (alas, none full frontal ;-)


Anonymous Anoniem said...

Luckily, there's our highest-quality newspaper that even posted a movie of him! Sorry Marije, no full frontals here either...gotta look for it some place else ;)

07 juli, 2006 10:54  
Blogger Marije said...

he jammer nou kan mijn mac die windows-video weer niet lezen door "missing plugins" ... En de juiste plugins kan ie vaak nie vinden.

nou vooruit dan maar, toch maar weer terug aan t werk ;-)

07 juli, 2006 11:02  

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